Withdrawal Ease…does It Work?
Question by andrew: Withdrawal ease…does it work?
I was just wondering if the withdrawal ease product, that you see on nearly every add bar on the internet, really works? I had been treating wds from hydrocodone with kratom for about a month now, and just today actually, got the withdrawal ease in the mail. I would like to stop the kratom and am honestly not too worried about the wds from kratom. My biggest concern is the dreaded PAWS. I know im past acute wds, but im still not out of the woods yet. If anyone has a success story with this withdrawal ease i would love to hear it.
Best answer:
Answer by jebbadiah
man… I’ve struggled with addiction for over 10 years, mostly opiates, but i definitely didn’t limit my addiction to only opiates.
if you want some advice on this subject, i’m assuming you do because you’ve posted this question, i’m going to give it to you.
withdrawal ease is going to help you about as much as some Sleepy time tea.
my advice would be to save your money and get some Valerian root/Valerian root combo supplement, it will help with sleep and anxiety. it’s about the only reasonably effective homeopathic out there. you could try Kava, but high doses long term will have their own wd effects.
also, if you have anxiety, try taking benadryl (Diphenhydramine), start with a half and go from there. it will take the edge off.
avoid caffeine until you’re fully over acute wd and even a little while after, especially if you’re experiencing anxiety.
as far as Kratom, it could definitely help in the beginning, however like most abusable substances, it’s a double edge sword. because it effects certain opiate receptors in the brain, just like prescription opiates or heroin, it can and eventually will be uncomfortable to stop. But i’m sure you are well aware of this. Kratom also has caused liver issues and complications in some people, so be careful with extracts. No one will tell you it’s harmless, but in my opinion it’s a better alternative than using hydrocodone to smooth out the wds.
Lastly, (sorry if i’m preaching to you here, i just feel for you man)
to get over Withdrawals, you have to go through them. It sucks, but that’s the ultimate fact about kicking a habit. there are a lot of things that can help, but you MUST ask yourself if they are worth their risk and what consequences they may come with. The’res a very real danger of simply prolonging your misery when it comes to trying to fix how much you hurt at this very moment, this is the inevitable truth with using “weaker” drugs to get through wds, like hydrocodone or especially benzos (xanax, kolonapin, ect.)
I got off methadone just under a year ago and only now am i getting head my really on straight. but that doesn’t mean its all been a living hell. PAWS sucks, and it’s worse for some people and less noticable to others. If you’re young, your odds are much better. However, you gotta remember that everyday you stay clean your closer to being your true self. day’s will be good and days will be bad, and when there bad, they’re a little worse during PAWS. but fortunately, the shittiness fluctuates and eventually you start to have more good days than bad. until one day you wake up feeling pretty good and you can look back on how much it hurt to kick and how glad you are to have gone through it to get over it. then you too could be writing some stranger on the internet, way too much information about how they could help themselves.
my only other suggestion is to find a support group, people who you can be honest with, i mean really honest about yourself with. people who know you’re going through it and care. Addicts without a support system to catch them will most likely eventually fall. and if you do relapse, get right back up, you can be a free man eventually. so long as you work for it.
Good luck bro and hang tight.
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