Which Drug Effects Your Physical Appearance Most After Abuse – Heroin, Cocaine, or Meth?
Question by Amelia: Which drug effects your physical appearance most after abuse – heroin, cocaine, or meth?
If you had a long term addiction to either one of these drugs, which one would change the the way you look physically the most?
Best answer:
Answer by Harrald
The Police Department in Portland, Oregon, recently posted online photographs of persons addicted to Meth. The facial changes caused by Meth were so revealing that family members of some of the users failed to recognize their kin. Meth ruins your teeth in fast order, but mostly, Meth dries-up the small capillaries that carry oxygen and blood to the facial skin. Another noticeable affect is that Meth abuse can burn-a-hole in your sinuses and separate cartlidge in your nose that separates the nostrils. More pictures of Meth users show how the facial muscles droop the eyelids, lips and jaw frame. It was noted by the Police Department that the drooping appears similar to patients who receive radiation treatments of the face to fight cancer. What was really strange was several families could not immediately recognize members of their families. Avoid Meth at all costs! Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in California have shown that an injectable solution that can reverse the affects of cocaine addictions. It may be several years before a vaccine is available to every one.
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