Which Act Does a Human Find More Pleasurable?

Question by Billionaire: Which act does a human find more pleasurable?
Each one finds pleasure in doing something. What is the most pleasurable act for you?

Best answer:

Answer by Jason
Taking a big steamy crap in the morning.

What do you think? Answer below!



Aurora man gets chance to fight conviction, 70-year sentence
Minard's defense attorneys sought to show he was suffering from heroin withdrawal, was vomiting, and under the influence of medication when questioned by detectives at Presence Mercy Medical Center in Aurora and, therefore, any statement was not given …
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Thugs bash teenager then send him graphic photo of them pulling hair and
SHE was used to the pain of heroin withdrawal, that was nothing new. She'd grappled with the ravenous, gnawing drug hunger most of her life. This unfamiliar pain was unbearable. It was the sting of conscience, deep in her soul, and it refused to die down.
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Heroin becomes drug of choice
… implemented in the UK, according to Stoller's partner, Grant Allman, offers treatment for alcohol and heroin addicts. The rehabilitation process needs to be medically managed for 10 days to two weeks because of the horrific physical withdrawal …
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More Heroine Withdrawal Information…

9 Responses to “Which Act Does a Human Find More Pleasurable?”

  • Master:

    You will get the same answer from everyone I guess. Sex and more of the same with a few variations

  • Bree:

    Hmmm…the first sip of coffee I take when I finally drag myself out of bed in the morning. lol

  • beneath you:

    if truth be known, it is riding a dirtbike down an old lightly traveled dirt road at dawn in the summer. with freinds, or alone, it doesnt matter.

    That is the best thing there is.

  • PR gal:

    close call between 1. accomplishing a goal you’ve been working on for awhile. 2. an orgasm. 3. the feeling i get look back at my life every so often and see how maturity changes you, for the better.

  • Red Doll Shoes:

    Eating the cold brains of my dead enemies.



    Doing the puh nuh nuh with my beautiful girlfreind…….

  • It'll be alright:

    Helping a senior citizen with something they are stuggling with.

  • Desi Shehzadi:

    shopping omg

  • Bet:

    I would have to say a good challenging wrestling match or a nice orgasm after about a week or more without.

    why do you ask such a question? are you trying to find a new hobby or passtime? if you are a male, you will probably answer with sex, or a form of sex, because men are literally addicted to sex. its not like a meth addiction or anything, but its scientifically proven that men DO become addiced to sex. When men have an orgasm, their body releases a nice amount of endorphins. Now you must realize how small of a dosage this is, but yet how powerful of a drug endorphins are. They are significantly more powerful than any synthetic pain killer, having similar effects as morphine and heroine. now this is an extremely small dose of endorphins, so you arent going to be seriously addicted to the point of “orgasm withdrawals” but it is still enough to make your body addicted to it which is one of many factors as to why men are so sex craved.