What Does METHADONE Show Up as on a Drug Test?

Question by Q A T F Y: What does METHADONE show up as on a drug test?
Does it show up as “an opiate” such as Hydrocodone or Percocet or Oxycontin… or does it specifically show up as “METHADONE”? The drug test will be performed at a pain clinic, and will be a urine test. Thank you so much for your kind, tactful answers.

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Answer by sherrileon1

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How Patients and Doctors Talk About Painkiller Risks
One physician called opioids “crap.” PHYSICIAN: I'm hoping we could help you to cut back on this other stuff. This crap that we're having to give you because they're not –; PATIENT: Good for my kidneys or anything. PHYSICIAN: That methadone's not good.
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