My Dad Won’t Send Me to Rehab….?
Question by Rare Ghost: My dad won’t send me to rehab….?
Ok, so I’ve been doing heroin for about a couple years off and on and I finally am willing to get help…. When I go to my father about rehab he said, “I’ve already spent so much money on you there is no way this will help you. Rehab is a bunch of bullshit that just shows you how to change your ways but clearly you don’t want to change so it would be pointless to send you somewhere out of state to go to rehab.” My mom and I are really trying to change his mind, because if my dad doesn’t help pay for rehab then it’s game over, and I’ll have to continue on my own…. what do i do?
Best answer:
Answer by lala
Save up money and go to rehab yourself. And during that process of save, you may have to stop your ways and end up quitting yourself. Don’t be dependent on other people.
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I cant help you with convincing your dad, i dont know your dad.
If your ready to quit/get help.
you have already won the war, good job! you dont need rehab, you just have to stick to your guns.
Good luck!
If you tell the state you have a problem and need treatment but can’t afford it they’ll pay for it. They just get to pick the facility. We can’t control our situations and if your dad won’t pay for it then he won’t. It’s still a matter of life and death, take help where it’s available. Congratulations on being ready to get sober though, that’s awesome!