Mobile Cinema Park’s “Addicted 2 Life” Substance Abuse Program
Mobile Cinema Park’s “Addicted 2 Life” Substance Abuse Program – This is multi-sensory program called Addicted 2 Life that focuses on Substance Abuse prevention and is tailored for students (mainly middle and high school)….
Number of babies born with drug addiction rising
Entitled "The Hidden Tax: Drug addiction is not just one person's problem," the program focused upon the impact of illegal drug use in the region, the cost to taxpayers and the unknown, long-term effects of babies born with a drug addiction because of …
Read more on Ledger Independent
Substance Abuse Vigil
For people who have been caught using drugs and facing a felony charge they can get help through the drug court program. "The added incentive that if they graduate from the program that felony case that they're facing is dismissed, so it's a win-win …
Read more on WCTV
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