Archive for the ‘Methadone Uses’ Category
Please Tell Me if Sugar Is Addictive?
Question by fatimahanif: Please tell me if sugar is addictive?
I am hooked on eating spoonful of sugar and I cant resisit. I eat almost 5-6 spoonful per day. How bad is it? What is the harm? How do I get off? Please serious advice only.
Best answer:
Answer by BeachSaint
In medical terms, a substance is addictive if it:
• induces a pleasant state or relieves distress,
• causes long-term chemical changes in the brain,
• leads to adaptive changes in the brain that trigger tolerance, physical dependence and uncontrollable cravings,
• causes dependence, so that abstaining is difficult and creates severe physical and mental reactions.
girl eating chocolate
Does sugar fit this profile?
Jan Ulbrecht, associate professor in biobehavioral health and medicine in the College of Health and Human Development, thinks not. “Since the human body does not become physically dependent on sugar the way it does on opiates like morphine and heroin, sugar is not addictive,” he argues.
What Are the Rights of the Citizen Against Child Protective Services?
Question by bullymommy25: What are the rights of the citizen against child protective services?
My sister is on methadone… she got pregnant and is quitting it as fast as she can, she’s down to 16mgs now, but can’t just quit because that would cause fetal distress and miscarriage. She has a lovely child on scholarship in private school where people simply do NOT have CPS cases, and if they came to the school, she would have to switch her child to another school to avoid the shame of it all and the stigmas against her child. She hopes to have the meth out of her system by the time the baby is born, but if she doesn’t, does CPS always have to be called? Can you get a lawyer to keep them from nosing in your life and ruining your reputation in the community? Not to mention the hideous thought of foster care, where her children would NEVER get the opportunities she can provide them, plus the prominance of abusive foster parents/ones who take in kids to collect a welfare check. Even the allegation of neglect, abuse, or whatever is enough to ruin a family, and CPS NEVER apologizes
or goes back to the people it interviewed to say the case is unfounded… how can the citizen fight this all powerful, overstaffed, bad decision making child snatching agency?
Is What I Found Methadone?
Question by shay_1986: is what i found methadone?
i recently found a pink liquid in a small pill bottle that smells like cough syrup in my friends cabinet. i was wondering what this is. i know that it isnt cough syrup tho. and if this is methadone what signs should i look for after someone takes it. like how will they act and how long do the effects last?
i tasted it and it tasted like a very strong cough syrup. its light pink and doesnt look as thick as pepto does.
Best answer:
Answer by puppyfatkat
I’m not completely sure about this but I think methadone is generally green or blue-ish, not pink. The only pink liquid I can think of is pepto bismol which is more or less harmless.
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Can Weed Become Addicting?
Question by Alyssa: can weed become addicting?
I know I may sound stupid for this but I’m just curious. Can weed become addicting? And if it can am i addicted? I recently went to a smoke party this weekend and got blazed out of my mind. I was smoking from the time I woke up to the time I fell asleep at around 3 or 4 in the morning for 3 days non-stop. Obviously not being my first time smoking like this I thought nothing of it. But when I got home I soon realized I had no weed at my house and no money to buy more. When I woke up the next day completely sober I was extremely nauseous and couldn’t keep anything down. I wasn’t even hungry but I was trying to make myself eat because I hadn’t eaten all day. I eventually ended up throwing up and still feeling nauseous for the rest of the day. After I smoke all the symptoms go away. Is it because weed helps with nausea? Or is it because im addicted to marijuana and smoking it helped me get rid of my withdrawal symptoms?
Do You Really Believe Addiction Is a Disease or a Cop-Out?
Question by tonybaby: Do you really believe addiction is a disease or a cop-out?
cop-out aka an excuse, a crutch, just not willing to cope.
This specific addiction was perscription drugs(Soma, Hydrocodone) All I hear is she has to hit bottom, whats bottom?? How low can you go.
Best answer:
Answer by -GUESS-girl-
Whats a cop-out
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Heroin addiction often starts with painkillers, parents told
Many of today's heroin addicts start their addiction with opiate-based painkillers, prescribed by doctors following sports injuries or auto crashes, said Bartlett Police Chief Kent Williams. With DuPage County's 38 heroin overdose deaths so far this …
Read more on Elgin Courier News
Who fueled the opioid explosion?
As problems emerged, documented by federal watchdogs as early as 2003, regulators reacted slowly, allowing opioid abuse to mushroom and build demand for heroin, which Mexican suppliers were bringing to the United States in record amounts. U.S. Senate …
Read more on Port Clinton News Herald
Alternatives to Methadone for Babies?
Question by dena_girl26: Alternatives to Methadone for Babies?
My sister was taking Methadone while pregnant and after she had her son, he was put on Methadone because they started seeing withdrawal symptoms. She is now taking him to a different Pediatrician and she has never dealt with a baby on Methadone before. She lowered his dose a couple of times and has now completely taken him off of it but now has him on phenobarbital. He cries all time and doesn’t sleep at night AT ALL!!! My question is this – is there an alternative medication besides phenobarbital and methadone that he could be taking to help him with the withdrawal symptoms? I have read a little bit about buprenorphine but it seems like it is only for adults. Just serious answers please, I am trying to help my nephew!
I understand where you are all coming from, but here is the entire situation. My sister doesn’t have a car, has to take a bus or get a ride to appointments, is on Medicaid so is limited to doctors/pediatricians, and is on Methadone herself! She likes this pediatrician because she is really “trying” to learn. I myself would have taken him to someone who already had experience in it. I also tried to get her to go to Chicago to a methadone treatment place and I would pay but no luck!