Internet Addiction Camp


Internet Addiction Camp – Chinese parents are taking extreme measures and sending their “internet addicted” kids to a specialized boot camp. Crazy. Ignore these tags: Addiction Addict…


Merchants of Meth: How Big Pharma Keeps the Cooks in Business
If anyone wondered what would happen if heroin or cocaine addicts suddenly discovered how to make their own supply with a handful of cheap ingredients readily available over the counter, methamphetamine's recent history provides an answer. Since 2007 …
Read more on Mother Jones

Heroin starts making a resurgence
Then we treat them systematically.” Cornett said when it comes to treatment, they prefer patients quit cold turkey and not go on other opiates such as methadone. Treatment is based on how long they have been using and other factors. Putting addicts in …
Read more on Kokomo Tribune

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