I Want to Stop Smoking Crack Cocaine. I Dont No How. Dont Know How to Even Start Try. Please Help.?
Question by addicted: i want to stop smoking crack cocaine. I dont no how. dont know how to even start try. please help.?
Best answer:
Answer by lance
Go to a rehab center, thats probably your best bet. Even though it might not sound too good right now, you won’t regret it later. Force yourself to go.
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More Cocaine Treatment Information…
Go to rehab. Just go to someone. Why’d you even smoke it in the first place? It’s so ghetto.
Takes will power, inner strength and the will to quit!! Pray!! God will help you, he knows your heart and will take care of you.
http://www.na.org……best of luck…….
I really believe you are serious. For starters find an accepting group. Look for a Christain fellowship group like a group home. Sometimes churches can be a little too much. You need help outside of yourself. There is far more to any addiction that meets the eye. Tonight in the church I visited, there were about six males who used to do crack.
Teen Challenge is another group; it is for adults ONLY not teens. It has been helping men and women kick the habit since the late 50’s. Email me if you want to know more. You can do it; I know you can. Keep your hope alive!
you’re looking at three weeks of pain to get to the pasture on the other side.
join a support group and stay well clear of people and places that you associate with crack. tell your boring straight lace friends that you need to hang out with them for a while and why. plan your day as much as possible to be full of crack free (but still fun)activities. if you have co-workers on coke, ask for a transfer or quit your job.
my city has a 311 city information line that will put you in touch with a rehab center. or there is the yellow pages under “drug addiction information and treatment”.
Go to the hospital and tell them whats going on and let them detox you. You need to be detoxed before going to anyplace. Or a rehab center might be able to help you detox. Detox is very important. Just take that first step. You can do it!!
what a shame, i suppose focussing on anything must be hard for you. Maybe a doctor or friend would be a good place to start or family member(you’ll need support from a non-taker. Not only will you need to go into rehab and withdraw you need to plan how you will live after, if there is somewhere you can go away from other takers for a while it will give you a chance to re-build your life. Maybe it would be good to sit and think how you would like to live and plan it.
If you really want to stop, then you will be able to stop and you just need to pick a method that works for you. Just as many people stop all on their own as do through groups, clinics and therapy. Contrary to the marketing things like 12 step programmes do not have success rates better than people who quit on their own.
The first thing you can do right now is start putting off taking the drug. When you feel like having some decide to put it off for an hour, and keep doing that. For some people I tell them to call me each time they feel like it. The hardest thing to crack is the habit. Do you play computer games? They can be good for keeping you distracted for extended periods.
With stimulant drugs you can expect to feel tired for sometime after you stop if you have been using the drug all day every day. There is no way around it.
You should contact some deaddiction centre but firstly you should be firm in your decision to stop all these things.