Heroin Use on the Rise in New Hampshire – Concord Monitor

Heroin use on the rise in New Hampshire – Concord Monitor

Heroin use on the rise in New Hampshire
Concord Monitor
Andrew said the rise in heroin overdoses also suggests a demographic shift toward younger, more recreational users who may be less willing to seek or submit to treatment. “With methadone and oxycodone deaths, you're talking about an older population, 

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Methadone Treatment – Google News


To ease pain of lost son, family builds his dream – Sacramento Bee

To ease pain of lost son, family builds his dream
Sacramento Bee
In his last fight, Grant had been sober eight months before relapsing on methadone. The drug once helped him with his addiction, but after eight months of sobriety, the dose was too much for his A Twin Cities drug abuse trend report, published in

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Methadone Treatment – Google News


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