Do I Need to Go to Rehab?
Question by clohwee :D: Do i need to go to rehab?
i do drugs. Weed,drinking,shrooms, and its putting everybodywho cares about me in the line of losing them. I dont want to lose them but i dont want to stop doing drugs. I am 15. I realize i am addicted to them. But i am scared to go but i think it would be for my own good. I am depressed and my life sucks at home so when i get the chance i have fun. Last night all i thought about is how much i hate my life. Please answer honestly. Do i need help?
Best answer:
Answer by Kay1220
Yes you do, and if you dont you could kill yourself by taking these drugs. Go get some help and Good luck!
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Yea, rehab at your age would still allow you lots more fun than you’re having now.
And mens rehab includes exercise, fun and a chance to meet some pretty cool people. They like to play, just like you. They just know how to do it without getting high.
your just looking for attention…. you cannot become addicted to weed or shrooms… and also i doubt your an alcoholic at such a young age….. so why dont you just go play some sports and eat healthy because if you maintain a healthy lifestyle you will never be depressed or anything.
You should definetly. I am trying to be as helpful as possible, but it can end up losing your family and friends. You should go to rehab right away. Eventually, you will not be taking drugs just to feel good; soon you will be doing drugs just to feel normal. It ruins your life. You will have to stop taking drugs right away and go register into a rehabilitaion center right away. If you don’t want to stop right now, you will DEFINETELY wish you had stopped in another 5-10 years. No offense, but you think your life is bad now, just wait for another 5-10 years!
you say you don’t want to stop doing drugs – there is no point for you to go to rehab. plus i don’t know if they make rehabs for children.
i do know they do not make weed and shroom rehab.
your an idiot you dont unless it was like meth or heroine but i mean soon if your still driking alot then you should go to aa but as of right now your fine
It doesn’t sound like you’re addicted to anything although most rehabs would be happy to say you are as long as you can pay for it.
The main thing that rehabs do is physically remove you from the people you used with and the places you used. There is no magic treatment, you just start getting better once you quit using. If you’re not ready to quit (and it doesn’t sound like you are), no treatment will help, once you’re ready, almost any treatment will.
What works? A summary of alcohol treatment research:
The NIAAA’s 2001–2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions interviewed over 43,000 people. Using the criteria for alcohol dependence found in the DSM-IV, they found:
“About 75 percent of persons who recover from alcohol dependence do so without seeking any kind of help, including specialty alcohol (rehab) programs and AA. Only 13 percent of people with alcohol dependence ever receive specialty alcohol treatment.”
Note that rehabs (12step facilitation) and AA are rated 37th and 38th.