‘You’Re Playing With a Loaded Gun:’ NC Heroin Use on the Rise – WRAL.com

‘You’re playing with a loaded gun:’ NC heroin use on the rise – WRAL.com

'You're playing with a loaded gun:' NC heroin use on the rise
Tad Clodfelter Jr. runs SouthLight Healthcare, a drug treatment program in Raleigh that offers methadone and counseling to people trying to kick heroin. He says his program has seen about a 30-percent increase in heroin use in the past year, which he

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Methadone Treatment – Google News



People at the methadone clinic “look high” – Mostly, everybody at a methadone clinic likes to get high. “They do. I see it.. I watch it, every day of my life. As far as myself going to the clinic, it’s …


Related Methadone Treatment Information…

5 Responses to “‘You’Re Playing With a Loaded Gun:’ NC Heroin Use on the Rise – WRAL.com”

  • ben landro:

    The guy strikes me as a little holier than thou.?

  • deany gale:

    You don’t really get high on just methadone, i’m currently on 80mg and have
    to use use h and benzo’s on top to get high but it is hard to get high when
    you go over 60 mg because it saturates your receptors.?

  • Lulu Luv Voluntaryist:

    This is so sad. 23 years? How old is she? Im sure it has taken its toll on
    her body.?

  • ben landro:

    Dr Benway I presume.?

  • xUnleadedx:

    What a bullshit video. This “thing” is a lifer. She’s been in it for a shit
    load of time. Of course people at the cllinic look high. lol It’s a
    methadone clinic. I know women that look just like this chick. When i was
    on methadone, the only way to get high was on fentanyl patches. If you get
    caught, they take a carry. If you keep getting caught, they will take all
    your carry-home drinks. Which is a bitch cause then you have to go to the
    clinic everyday. They dont raise your dose either. It’s all up to the
    person to raise or lower. Dont listen to this chick.?