Im Not Sure What to Do With My Heroin Addicted Cousin. ?
Question by : Im not sure what to do with my heroin addicted cousin. ?
So my cousin she has been clean for the past week. She called me this morning complaining that she feels like shit from the withdrawals. She convinced me to take her to get pot because she said its the only thing that helps. When we got to the dude she ran out of the car came back and said “he thought I wanted crack, not pot.” She didn’t take it she definitely bought heroin and didn’t want me to know. Anyways when I brought her back home she went into the bathroom and when she came out her forearm was completely red. Well it turns out she did the same thing to my sister last week. And now she wants my sister to drive her to her piece of shits boyfriends house in the morning. How do we tell her no without losing her and should I tell my dad? I don’t want to get in trouble for taking her to get pot.
Best answer:
Answer by aar
First and foremost, she needs to detox at a hospital… I would get a bunch of big family members and throw her through the emergency room doors and threaten to get her arrested. In the meantime you can figure out where to send her.
Remember, if you want to get her arrested she needs to have the illegal drugs on her not just in her.
If you can’t afford to send this girl to a treatment center or she wont agree, get her arrested. That’s the only way.
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The best thing you can do is to help yourself! Go to Naranon (which is the sister group to Alanon), and they help you to learn how to deal with an addicted family member. I can guarantee you, taking her to get her drugs IS NOT THE WAY to help her. You are enabling her to use. IF your sister takes her tomorrow to get drugs, she is enabling her as well. She will never I mean NEVER get well as long as you two enable her! My husband use to be an active addict, been off drugs for 6 yrs. now, and let me tell you, I made all the mistakes you are talking about.
Where there is a happy addict, there’s an enabler, helping them to be an addict! But remember this, you didn’t cause it, you can’t cure it, and you can’t control it. But you can contribute to it!
Your family does need to know what she is doing, and you need to get educated about addiction, and learn what NOT TO DO! You need to BE not DO!
IF there is no Naranon group inyour area, go to Alanon, they will help also, just refer to drugs when they talk about alcohol, and the addict, instead of the alcoholic.
Go to a treatment center and see if they have meetings there, because sometimes they do. Look it up in the phone book, sometimes there’s numbers in there you can call; go to Mental Health inyour community, and ask for numbers to either Naranon or Alanon. Also, you go to some NA meetings, Narcotics Anonymous, and learn about addicts. You will be surprized at what you DO LEARN!