What Are the Rights of the Citizen Against Child Protective Services?
Question by bullymommy25: What are the rights of the citizen against child protective services?
My sister is on methadone… she got pregnant and is quitting it as fast as she can, she’s down to 16mgs now, but can’t just quit because that would cause fetal distress and miscarriage. She has a lovely child on scholarship in private school where people simply do NOT have CPS cases, and if they came to the school, she would have to switch her child to another school to avoid the shame of it all and the stigmas against her child. She hopes to have the meth out of her system by the time the baby is born, but if she doesn’t, does CPS always have to be called? Can you get a lawyer to keep them from nosing in your life and ruining your reputation in the community? Not to mention the hideous thought of foster care, where her children would NEVER get the opportunities she can provide them, plus the prominance of abusive foster parents/ones who take in kids to collect a welfare check. Even the allegation of neglect, abuse, or whatever is enough to ruin a family, and CPS NEVER apologizes
or goes back to the people it interviewed to say the case is unfounded… how can the citizen fight this all powerful, overstaffed, bad decision making child snatching agency?
Best answer:
Answer by Momma
God ,
I really have to say your living in LA LA Land,
Honey your sister IS and addict, they don’t just give meth to anyone, to a person that uses “recreationally”
ITS TOO LATE once she signed up at the meth clinic, they sent her information out to the state, and will investigate
thats how it works
Meth is a controlled substance, and the people approved for the program must meet the criteria
UNfortunately, the baby is already addicted inside the womb
When it is born, they will try and treat the baby, even if she is OFF the meth,
they already know that this baby needs to be evaluated neurologically, ect…
ITs for the babys own well being,
I feel for your neice because she is old enough to have to pay for her mothers mistakes.
BUT there really isn’t anything that can be done,
and I must say I am glad
You are enabling your sister, and she will go back to he Drug of choice, because your making her behavior acceptable,
I am not saying she is this horrible monster,
I am saying she is an ADDICT,
You covering UP for her isn’t helping her, its actually the worst thing you can do,
She needs to take responsibility for her actions,
And I feel for your neice, but perhaps the involvement will be BETTER than ignoring and pretending that there isn’t something wrong with momma,
I was a child in a family where we hid things,
I was afraid because of the emarrassment, YES
But as an adult I can see that it would matter MORE to me that my child was safe , healthy and happy,
I woldn’t switch your neice out, I WOULD not try and prohibit DCF , this is for the protection of the child, and children
as its clear MOM cannot make resonable choices,
for the safety and well being of her children, OR herself
she needs help, and YOUR not the person to help her.
Good luck and I will pray for you and your sister and her children
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I was a CPS worker for a while and know little about the subject. Unless the law is different in your state, CPS is called when a baby is born with drugs in his/her system. The worker will want to know if mom is working on her addiction. They will ask about home life and possible ask to see the home to make sure that it is kept to whatever “standards” there are.
Your sister should contact an attorney to learn of her legal rights and what she needs to curtail CPS’s chances of removing her child/children. She should also know a reliable, drug free, responsible person (who does not have a child abuse history), in the event that CPS wants to remove the kids. Your sister can then send the kid/s there temporarily as a way of addressing any immediate concerns that CPS has. Another option is for a responsible person lives in the home as well. (Preferably a relative)
A lawyer cannot stop CPS from doing their job. Nurses and doctors are mandatory reporters, which means that they MUST inform CPS of any child related issues. After which, CPS can make a determination and then follow thru or not.
Good luck.
I have seen you post this on more then one answer board and as a foster parent who has cared for several children and adopted 4, I don’t know where you are getting your facts from.
1. MOST foster parents do not kill the children. The number of foster parents who have killed the children is lower then the number of children who have been killed by staying in abusive homes
2. No matter where you are doing foster care NO ONE can get rich off of the small amount that you get to help children in need. For a newborn in our state of VA, we get $ 368 per child
3. If your sister is working toward getting off drugs and is really working the program then she should be fine with being able to keep her child. Even if they do remove the child if she keeps working the program then not only will she gets lots of visits but they child will be returned once she is back on her feet.
You and your sister need to work on helping her to get and stay clean and just thinking about a foster parent killing the child or trying to taking the money and run. There are lots of foster parents out there that are doing it for the right reasons and are there to help not only the child but also the family to be reunited.