Why Am I So Scared of Being Alone for the Rest of My Life? Should I Commit Suicide?
Question by : Why am I so scared of being alone for the rest of my life? Should I commit suicide?
I’m 18 years old, never had a girlfriend, don’t really have any real friends…..only one girl I can say is my serious friend. In college now, but will be graduating next year….don’t know what to do with my life, bothered at the fact that I may never find true love.
How do I get over this? I have low self esteem. How can I reassure my self? I’m starting to think about suicide…my life doesn’t seem right at all.
Best answer:
Answer by Hanny
Suicide is NEVER the answer, never ever never! As you get old you’ll find that you’ll meet more people, people with common interests. You wont be alone, and just count yourself lucky to have this girl friend too because friends no matter how many you have each one is important, think what this could do to her okay? Everything will be fine, and as for low self esteem drop that at the door as you hit your twenties because it isn’t needed okay? You aren’t alone and you won’t be alone, fact. Good luck :)
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