How Do I Survive the Rest of the Year?
Question by Melissa N: How do I survive the rest of the year?
I work as a teaching assistant at a special ed high school for kids with learning disabilities (really though, many kids just have behavioral issues). The school is in the inner city. Things I go through daily: being cursed at, blatant disrespect, students running down the halls, etc. Many are constantly playfighting..which can turn into real fights. Our school is allowed to do restraints.
I’m so used to being told to “shut the f up” and “f you” and “b” that now I’m used to it. Once in a while, I’ll be shocked at something they’ll say to me, like “you piece of white meat.”
I find myself not only physically tired, but emotionally and mentally drained as well. Besides the disrespect, it’s a really hard environment because of the low levels of the kids. Many can’t read above a third grade level. I’m trying to build rapport and relationships with the kids. I try to show I care.
Classroom mangement is very difficult for me. When the teacher is out for the day, I find it very hard to control the kids. Although, I am getting better.
It’s just getting really hard to get up in the morning. I think I owe it to the kids to not dread being there.
What do I do?
There are a few kids I get along great with and really want to learn..but how do I reach the others?
One of my problems is that I’m young looking and too nice. While I have toughened up a lot since the beginning of the year and am firm with the kids, they still try to take advantage of the fact that I’m nice.
What do I do?
I’ve already made it 8 months..I only have to make it 2 more. But the kids are now more out of control than ever, with the warmer spring weather. Part of me feels like quitting.
I’m almost to my breaking point with the kids. I’m starting to get smart with them and say mean things to them when they say mean things to me. Like a week ago, one was cursing at me and making fun of me, and I was like, “u want to play that game, what’s wrong with your teeth?”
I know that was completely inappropriate, but I can only take so much crap. I feel like I’m about to lose it..what should I do?
Today I told a student I didn’t think he would graduate (he’s 19 in the 10th grade)..which I know is ridiculous. But he was making sexual comment, I just couldn’t take it anymore.
I know these comments are very unprofessional of me, but sometimes I feel like I’m losing it.
Best answer:
Answer by Jennifer
You have to be patient, as hard as it is. You are all they have to look up to. I’ll admit, you don’t deserve to be treated like that. I would say just be strong and don’t let it get to you. That may be really hard, but you can do it! Don’t give up no matter how hard things get.
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