Can Butal Caf Apap Cod Cap Get You High? I Need to Know!?

Question by xXDeterefXx: Can butal caf apap cod cap get you high? I need to know!?
My mom takes a lot of pills due to her illnesses. We fight alot and I have called her a pill popper and she states that none of her pills can get her high. She told me to research them and I can’t find anything on butal caf apap cod cap. That’s what is says on the bottle.

Best answer:

Answer by Charles Dechu
Thats a really bizarre name for a medicine. But yes, yes it can.

Trouble is, that name doesn’t explain what the medicine in. The last “cod” there? Thats Codeine. Its also a Barbiturate, both of which are regularly used as recreational drugs. “Caf” is “Caffiene.” “APAP” is the active ingrediant in Tylenol, “N-acetyl-p-aminophenol,” or “Paracetamol.”

Butal = “butalbital”

Edit: Okay, so heres the last bit of thign I remembered. I tried to figure out why they would put the caffiene and the APAP in, and eventually remembered: …Those are used as deterrant agents. They are put in the medicine specifically to make you get sick if you take an amount needed to get high.

Thats the only reason they are there. Its the same way with a lot of narcotics.

Edit Last: One more thing (I have looked way more into this than I shouldve and now you’re gonna hear it too.) Barbiturates can cause this one really truly lovely side effect: “Steven-Johnson Syndrome.” This is one of those things where…you can tell people about it…but showing them the pictures tends to move them away from barbiturates.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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