I Have to Quit Marijuana for a Year?

Question by CARTART: I have to quit marijuana for a year?
I’m going to Korea next year. If you don’t know, Koreans consider weed as bad as heroin, meth, coke, etc. due to government propaganda. If you get caught, it’s immediate jail time. Obviously, I’m going to stay far away from it during my stay.
Problem is, I smoke pretty frequently, probably about 4-5 times a week. I’ve been smoking for a few years now, and have been smoking this frequently for a few months. I have tried to quit before but have always gone back. I would like to hear from some people who have successfully quit marijuana, and hear what strategies they used to quit. I want to be able to quit before I leave so I won’t have to deal with the withdrawal once I’m there. Please just answer the question, thanks.
You can become psychologically addicted to anything, including marijuana of course. If you smoke every day, then naturally it’s hard to break the habit.

Best answer:

Answer by Eric
Are you addicted to marijuana? Congratulations, you have done the impossible.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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