I Believe That One Day I May Become a Drug Addict, Please Help?
Question by Erin: I believe that one day I may become a drug addict, please help?
I am 20 and think that one day I may be a dug addict. My mom is a current alcoholic and drug addict (I believe Xanax, because she is prescribed them or heroin because her boyfriends an “ex-heroin addict” who never got help and is an alcoholic as well). When I was 5, my mom started giving me her Xanax whenever I started feeling anxious or nervous. I was always being verbally and emotionally abused from the age of 5 until I left home this past January. When I was 10, my mom would leave me alone and I would go down stairs to our medicine cabinet and start taking pills. I never knew what they were so I wanted to get high. I also stole alcohol from my parents. My mom found all of their pills in a big in my room so that ended everything until I was 16. At 16, my parents separated and I started smoking weed, Xanax, Vicodin, Oxy, and cocaine. I quit when I was almost 18. I’ve gone back to this road a few times and still miss the feeling of getting high but I know what I want to do with my life. I believe that one day ill give in and become an addict. If I knew a dealer right now who sold pills, I would buy them. I am in Al-Anon for my moms drinking and know a woman who used to be a drug addict and goes to AA and NA. Should I talk to her about this?Am I already an addict although I’m not on drugs now, but still feel the “desire” to get high? I just started therapy yesterday and he said that it seems like I have 2 minds. A wise and destructive mind. The wise mind is rational, nice, smart, and friendly. The destructive is automatic to me and it is irrational, bad, not smart, reckless, and not friendly.
Best answer:
Answer by Luke
hang in there, man. i dont feel comfortable giving you an answer to such a question, but It would be best to get yourself into a different mindset, when you wake up in the morning try your best not to think about your problem, try something different, thats not bad. go for a run, maybe look for volunteer work, or something that will make you feel good about yourself. if u stay occupied youll have less time to think about your problems, if you thinks its best, go ahead and talk to the girl thats like you, i personally think if shes in the same mindset as you it wouldnt make things much better, you need to be around people that enjoy doing other things than getting high. look to the future, because the past is all behind you.
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