How Do You Feel About This Idea (For a Novel)?

Question by Kimi: How do you feel about this idea (For a novel)?
There is this girl (Rayne, 15).
She finds out this secret treatment centre is taking people to experiment Mental Illness treatment. There’s a standardize test taken in high schools to determine who is “ill” and she is diagnosed with Maladaptive Daydream Disorder, and she and her parents decide she should go get help (basically be a gerbil).

This “centre” is in a remote area and it’s controlled by a group of people (Think: The Hunger Games). You know, controlled are the best way to train people. Anyway, so she’s there and she makes friends, blah blah–it’s a teen book–and the land has a dictator. He’s 34/35 year old and he is, in a way, their mentor. Raine ends up falling in love with him because she’s never known anything about dating and being liked and treated well, telling her secrets, etc etc.

So she gets brave and scales a wall and whatnot to see him alone and they bond. He falls her (Creepily, but nevertheless, sweetly) and then sneak around like idiots. Obviously, a 35 year old with a 15 year old depressed teen is seen as slightly twisted, and it is. He is six times as f**ked up as Rayne but he hides it for weeks (He has advisers and an assistant) until he can’t anymore and he just snaps and everyone in treatment snaps and there is just this terrible, tragic domino effect

Now, it’s not supposed to be crazy and dark, but I really wanted to play with the idea of the knight in shining amour being nothing and how vulnerable we become when we think someone can save us for us. How do you feel about this? Is it okay?

P.S. I apologize for errors. :)

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
I would read it!
It seems like it would be an addicting story O.O

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